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Facts about Indian Muslims

Humra Quraishi leans on facts and figures to draw a picture of the state of the Muslim community in India.

Bully Bai and the mainstreaming of hate

Humra  Quraishi questions hate politics and the utter disregard for the Constitution of India by the fringe that is being...

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Of egoistic Indian men and Mulk Raj Anand

Humra Quraishi remembers Mulk Raj Anand on his birth anniversary and what he had said about Indian men consumed by superiority...

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Hinduism, not Hindutva, was Nehru’s idea of India

Let us not be in any illusion. Being complacent basis the belief that there’s any sensitivity left in the discourse would be wrong, write...

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They go to die there, where there is life

Humra Quraishi veers to the bard, Gulzar’s verse written by him in the times of the pandemic.

How civilized is the civilized world?

Vinta Nanda insists that we, the so-called civilized people, talk about poverty, violence and exclusion.

Signs of the times: Imagine all the people…

Humra Quraishi wonders if it is the need of this time to revive the Progressive Writers Movement in India.

Signs of the time: The vacuum

Humra Quraishi imagines what it would be like if India is to have a ministry of loneliness and leaves you to ponder over a bea...

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Democracy Hypocrisy

Should we not apologize for having denied MF Husain his right to freedom of speech and expression, writes Vinta Nanda

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Khushwant Singh: Salaam to the Sardaar

Humra Quraishi writes about the many conversations she had with Sardaar Khushwant Singh.