by Jiya M September 15 2024, 12:00 am Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins, 4 secsKALEIDOSCOPE: WHY DON’T THEY GET IT?!
"An honest reflection on the peculiarities of adulthood, the disconnect between teenagers and adults, and the challenges teens face in being misunderstood, yet striving to be heard in an adult world." Jiya M writes…
Teenagers often feel misunderstood by adults, struggling to be heard and trusted in their decision-making. In this article, Jiya M explores the peculiarities of adulthood, the emotional disconnect between generations, and how teens cope with adult expectations. Discover why the teen-adult relationship feels so strained and how both sides can bridge the communication gap.
The Magic of Youthful Belief
When I was younger, life appeared to be a total fantasy. I’m sure it did for all of us. I was very determined to leave a note under the Christmas tree for an overweight man dressed in all red to squeeze himself down a chimney, read it, and get me what I wanted, or to check for money under my pillow every morning after losing a tooth.
Maybe life was simpler back then, but as we grow up, everything changes.
The Disconnect Between Teens and Adults
As a teenager, I still think adults are quite weird. They just don’t think about things the way we do. When they explain something to us, we often see it as a lecture and feel like they’re never interested in hearing what we have to say.
It’s funny how differently we view each other, especially since we’ll grow up to be like them and they were once just like us.
Mistrust and Misunderstanding
Many adults believe we don’t know anything, which isn’t true. They often say we can’t make good decisions because we’re less mature and responsible, and that we must wait until we become ‘grown-ups’ to do so. Yet, we are called ‘young adults,’ while still being treated like children.
Our feelings and voices often go unheard because they’re seen as unimportant, which pushes us toward social media or friends who do listen. Adults just don’t seem to get it.
Why Don’t They Trust Us?
It’s true that sometimes teens don’t make the best choices. When adults try to help, we might lash out or push them away. But instead of encouraging us to learn from our mistakes, they tend to criticize or punish us, which can make us feel even more misunderstood.
The Emotional Differences
There are some peculiar things about adults that I’ll never get. One of them is how they control their emotions so easily. Teens, on the other hand, experience frequent mood swings and emotional outbursts. We aren’t afraid to express ourselves, whether it’s through drama, jokes, or just being silly. Silliness helps lighten the weight we carry, but it’s a trait I’ve rarely observed in adults, who always seem calm, solemn, and put together.
The Boredom of Responsibility
Another thing I’ve noticed is how boring adults can be! They can talk for hours about the dullest things, like taxes and electricity bills. But honestly, I admire that about them too—the fact that they handle so many responsibilities, from managing finances to ensuring there’s food on the table for their families.
Will We Understand One Day?
I suppose everything that feels strange about adults now might just be because we’re young. Once we’re all grown up, we’ll probably wonder how we ever thought they were so peculiar.