
India Challenges Developed Countries on Sustainable Development, Consumption

India Challenges Developed Countries on Sustainable Development, Consumption

by The Daily Eye Team October 20 2014, 1:48 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 46 secs

India has challenged developed countries to take the lead in ensuring sustainable patterns of consumption as developing countries grapple with the problem of eradicating poverty. Amit Narang, a counsellor at India's UN Mission, said Wednesday: ??ustainability demands that developed countries, which bear the historical responsibility for climate change and have better financial and technological resources at their command take the lead in moving their economies towards sustainable patterns of consumption and production.??/p>

In his address to the UN General Assembly committee that deals with economic and financial issues, he brought out the stark differences in the approaches of developed and developing countries. ??ustainable development is, however, not merely about minimizing the environmental impacts of development,??he said. ??t the heart of the global quest for sustainable development must be, first and foremost, the moral, economic and political obligation to end poverty and eradicate want and hunger,??Narang added.

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